Saturday, April 23, 2011

Musical Porn

                Why are music videos exciting to watch? Male viewers may find something attracting other than singings in music videos. That iss the purpose of music videos. Kenneth Burke in his movie, Dreamworld, clarifies that music videos present sexuality for selling their products.  In Dreamworld, Burke says that the primary role of females in music videos is to arouse male veiwers’ sexual desire by exposing their bodies. He creates incongruity and challenges the tragic frame of music videos’ gender narrative through his strategies of story telling, constructing femininity, and demonstrating the roles of female artists.
                Burke presents the technique of story telling to demonstrate the incongruity of music videos’ gender narrative. He tells that “the presence of sexualized female bodies are so prevalent” in music videos. A male musician in the Dreamworld says that all the music videos are all about women. In music videos, the musician’s comment implies that women play more important roles than the main male musicians do in music videos.  Women appear to get an attention of male viewers by presenting their exposed bodies. Burke discusses, “Women are also shown as simply hanging around male artists, their only function being to dram in male viewers into the fantasy created by the producers and directors of music videos.” He says that many music videos make women’s figures more bizarre than only wearing bikinis, such as coating them with silver or gold. The point may tell that females with bikinis in music videos have become so normal that videos need to present their bodies in different way other than just wearing bikinis. Music videos use women’s bodies to get attention from male viewers, and also the videos include their bodies to identify the genre and the story of music videos present.
                Burke’s Dreamworld challenges the tragic frame of music videos’ gender narrative through presenting the strategy of constructing femininity.  Burke says that the most important elements of women in music videos are sexuality.  He tells that the scenes of music videos, which show a number of women, surrounding a man, are one of the most enduring techniques in music videos. He tells that the scenes of a man surrounded by many women show that the understanding of femininity is always defined by the powerful men. The movie illustrates that females in music videos are sexually motivated that if males are absent, females need the substitutions of males to satisfy their sexual desires. And also, they are so dependent on men that if men are absent, women become depressed easily. Females are presented almost like sexual monsters in music videos. Females often appear to be in a pool, wearing bikinis and drinking, in many scenes of music videos. They invite males in the pool. Burke says, “Music videos tell the women’s wet bodies are one of the cornerstones of adolescent male sexual fantasy.” He also tells that music videos do not only present women’s sexual relationship with men, but also the videos show their relationships with same sex. Music videos construct females as sexual characters, who arouse males’ sexual desires.
                Burke demonstrates the roles of female artists in music videos. He says that female artists have to present themselves as primarily sexual beings, such as showing pornographic images of them, to get males’ attentions in music videos. These female artists slip off their cloth to expose their bodies, and cameras zoom in on the parts of their, especially focusing on the bottom. Burke says there seems to be no escape for female artists from music videos’ producers to make pornographic images of them. He discusses, “The price of female entry into what is considered the mainstream of the culture is to accept the vision of the pornographic imaginations that the only things of value about women are their bodies and sexuality and their willingness and desire to enact male fantasies.” His statements imply that female artists are required to appear like porn actress in music videos, and that is more significant than singing.
                Burke tells that music videos present females as the subjects to tempt males into the dream world and objects to satisfy the males’ sexual desires. Females’ bodies are products to make music videos popular. But the images of females presented in the videos let males think that females always desire to have sex and obey to males’ sexual demands; however, females in the real world are different. We need to consider music videos as musical porn rather than just music so that we can distinguish that the females in videos are different from the females in the real world.

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