Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Appropriate Terms For Guys

When you see this image, what impression of the puppy comes first? Yes, "cute."
When I went to my friend's house in Chicago in 2007, I saw a puppy. I said, "The dog is so cute."
My friend said, "Koei, you are weird." I wasn't sure why I was weird to her, so I asked her. Then, she said, "it sounds gay for guys to say cute.'"
Because I was still learning English as an ESL student, I didn't know that the word "cute" was feminine term. But now, I have a concept that "cute" is a feminine term, and guys, who use the term are very feminine or possibly gays. Actually, i often hear that guys say "cute" to people or animals. Do they say the word because they are feminine? If I see a puppy that gives me a "cute" impression, should I say the puppy is "what's up" instead of saying "cute?" Since the "cute" experience in 2007, I have never used the term "cute" even to a baby.
So, am I not supposed to say "cute" in any occasions not to be labeled as a feminine guy?

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