Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Are Video Games Really Bad?

In the last two lectures of the Literature class, we learned about video games. During the class, one student said, "I think the video games are good for children to be smart." I was agree with his opinion.
I don't know if all kinds of games help children to become smarter, but role playing games require the planning skill and calculation to complete all the chapters of the games.

In role playing games, people have to plan what to save and what to buy to survive on the battle field. In order make a plan, people have to calculate the budget you can use. If they lack either one or both, they won't be able to complete the games; therefore, role playing games train children to improve their planning skills and calculation.

I have a friend, who has played different role playing games, such as Final Fantasy and Starcraft, for his entire life. In college, he majored in Game Programming. When he entered the college, he already had enough knowledge to understand about how the games are made from his experience of playing games. After college, he was hired from Nintendo, the biggest game company in Japan. He said that "because I played every series of Final Fantasy and memorized how the games are organized in each chapter, I could impress the interviewers when they asked me about Final Fantasy."

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